By #adl

The dependency of Nigeria’s states on the monthly allocation from Abuja indeed raises critical concerns about stifled development and a lack of autonomous economic strategies just as the President signed the 2024 budget for implementation. This cap-in-hand approach perpetuates a cycle where states rely heavily on federal funding instead of fostering independent revenue streams and innovative growth strategies.

The inherent flaw in this system lies in its disincentive for states to explore their potential, diversify revenue sources, and create sustainable economic models. It breeds a culture of complacency where states prioritize sharing in the centralized revenue pool rather than investing in their unique resources or exploring avenues for economic growth across states.

This model strips away the agency of individual states to determine their developmental trajectories. Instead of tapping into their own strengths, resources, and industries, states are confined to a repetitive cycle of relying on federal aid, stifling creativity and innovation.

To break free from this economic quagmire, Nigeria needs to adopt a multi-faceted approach:

Fiscal Decentralization: Empower states to control a larger portion of their revenue. A restructuring of fiscal policies to allow states to retain more of their generated income can encourage them to seek alternative revenue streams and invest in local industries.

Economic Diversification: Encourage states to explore and invest in their unique economic potentials. Each state possesses varying resources—agricultural, mineral, industrial—which, if harnessed effectively, could significantly boost their economies.

Capacity Building and Investment: Support states in developing their human capital and infrastructure. Investment in education, healthcare, and basic amenities creates an enabling environment for business growth and attracts investors, thereby bolstering economic activities within the states.

Encouraging Entrepreneurship: Foster a culture of entrepreneurship by providing incentives and support for small and medium-sized enterprises. This stimulates job creation and contributes to the overall economic growth of the states.

Policy Reforms: Implement policies that encourage responsible fiscal management within states, discouraging over-reliance on federal allocations. This includes stringent fiscal discipline and transparent financial accountability.

Collaborative Federal-State Partnership: While advocating for greater state autonomy, foster partnerships between the federal and state governments to ensure a cohesive national development agenda. The focus should be on mutual support rather than dependency.

Breaking the cycle of dependency requires a concerted effort from both the federal and state governments. Encouraging states to become economically self-reliant will ultimately contribute to Nigeria’s overall economic stability and growth.

By implementing these strategic reforms, Nigeria can gradually shift away from the cap-in-hand dependency, allowing states to chart their own paths toward economic prosperity. Empowering states to harness their potential is not just beneficial for their growth but also vital for the collective advancement of the nation.

The Nationa Assembly members over to una ooo

I am adl

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