Royal Celebration: May You Reign Longer Than Your Forebears, HRM OBA ADEGBENRO JOHN FALORE, (AJIGBADE THE 3RD), OLUFAKI OF IFAKI-EKITI

By Johnson Ola Folarin (JOF)

“Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.” Eckhart Tolle


The authority of a King, they say, is in his acceptance by the People, to rule over them. This has taken one aback the memory lane. On that glorious day the news of the selection of a new King filtered in from Ifaki Ekiti, it was just like the paradise came to prevail over the earth. The entire town was thrown into a wild jubilation. I asked myself: who could this ‘man’ be and the secret behind the above-board acceptance? Though, I was not opportune to be present at the venue but got stuck to my phone to follow every aspect of the processes and the love for his choice rented my heart by with all I watched then. I fell in love with him, even without ever setting my eyes on him before.

So Ifaki, a very rigid town, could so accept someone dispassionately this much? I retorted in soliloquy.

What could be the reason for the general acceptance of a King? We’re seeing the results that buttress this, seeing the zeal and zest from both the indegenes and non-indigenes. The developments Ifaki has experienced within the spate of one year, since the ascension onto his fore-fathers’ throne, have been so massive. There have been relative calm, security stability, participatory mien, in the traditional and cultural activities that have been eroded by rifts, religious fanatism and mental degradation; all of these have been addressed and we all can now call IFAKI a home, without no biles. The palpable fear of spiritual attacks (though seemingly superstitious and trivial), have escaped into the thin air.

Everybody is now happy to identify with the town. Maybe we’ve long thirsted for this kind of encompassing leadership? The answer is in the way and manner everybody is getting involved in whatever that has to do with the town today.

Oba Adegbenro is a Colossus, who has outrightly redefined what’s the true religion and traditional cum cultural worth. Some traditional activities are now getting more endorsements from those who erroneously thought them to be idol-worshipping and the name of Jesus is doing wonders along the line. These aren’t happening just by magic wand, but the tenacity of a King who’s an artful communicator imbued with high-level of intellectual property, human relation’s endowment and magnetic charisma.

As you celebrate your natal day today, OBA ALAYELUA, I pray that may you again rejoice in blessings from above, as the radiant stars still shed the lights of our Saviour’s love. May your reign continue to bring notable developments to our town. The unity we’re currently enjoying in the town is but by the grace of God Almighty and your noble skills to manage the town and her People astutely. We pray that you reign longer than your forebears. Amen!!!

My first meeting with the Kabiyesi was at a hospitality outlet behind Oluyemi Kayode Stadium, Ado Ekiti where he requested to meet some Youth Stakeholders residing in Ado-Ekiti, days after his selection. I could not wait to ask him some burning questions; I couldn’t wait any longer to spew the spinnerets. I got to the meeting very lately, in my own weakest way and the meeting couldn’t start until some of us arrived. We started the conversations and a lot were running through my mind, and I was so eager to hear him (Kabiyesi) speak, lo and behold, the King spoke to massage my apprehensions, unknowingly to the People present, I got my confidence from thence that our town was in for rapid developments. He found his way into my mind and drew out certain puzzles and solved without stress. Wowww… Such a brilliant Royal Majesty!

One of my questions that day was how he would be able to manage the political exigency that has been hunting our town and he didn’t speak much about that, craving our attention that we put certain things on hold, but give it to him, as an expert working with one of the leading security components in the Nation; they see more and say less. To my utmost disbelief, a year after, when I had an opportunity to pay homage to the palace, I greeted Kabiyes and he smiled at me and whispered to my ear thus: “hope I’m trying with the political exigency now”? I became numbed and utterly appalled, I possibly could only smile because words failed me to describe my shock, that heyyyy, Kabiyesi could outrightly still remember the question I put to him, with the humongous issues running through his mind?

We’re blessed and am particularly proud to have this kind of majestic King in my own time. A Friend to all and enemy to none, except People with criminal propriety. Relative peace is back to our land. Children are happy to identify with the new King. Old People troop out to hail the King whenever his presence is being noticed. A lot of traditional age-groups are surfacing by the day. Our noble heritages that have been jettisoned are back to life lubricated with modernity and modesty. WHEN THE PEOPLE ACCEPT A KING, DEVELOPMENTS WILL ACCEPT HIM TOO. IFAKI ORINKINRAN IS BLESSED AND LUCKIER AND WE INDIGENES WILL CONTINUE TO REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!

Kabiyesi has done a lot to lift the souls of his subject in no diminutive mean, giving a face-lift to the town’s day-to-day operations. Should we say Ifaki and her People are lucky to have him around? Though, it’s not yet UHURU, but we still confidently and happily look forward to having more achievements and developmental strides. We would have course to say “we’re luckier” by virtue of the positive signals hovering over and around our Jerusalem, IFAKI-EKITI.

Happy Prosperous Birthday… Kabiyesi Oooo!!!

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